Friday, July 4, 2008

Addison's First Fever

Addison had her first fever on Thursday. She slept in that morning, which is very unusual for her. She usually wakes up sometime between 7:30 and 8:00. I finally decided to wake her up around 9:00. When I got her up, I could feel that she was VERY warm. I took her temperature and it was 102.3. I called and made a doctors appointment for 1:30 that afternoon. Being a new mom and this being the first time Addison has had a fever, it did not occur to me to give her Tylenol.

When she got up from her morning nap, she felt very HOT. I took her temperature again and it was 104.3. I called the nurse and she said to give her Tylenol and put her in a luke warm bath. At this point, I realize I should have given her Tylenol earlier in the morning. The funny thing is, the whole time she was awake, she was laughing and playing and acting pretty normal. She was a little less active, but she was still her happy self.

The doctor said she had a virus and since she didn't have an ear infection or anything wrong with her sinuses or throat, we just needed to wait it out, while keeping her temperature down. Today (Friday) she has not had a temperature and seems to be doing well. I guess we should consider ourselves very blessed. Addison is almost a year old and has not had any ear infections or other sickness problems. And even this virus that she had only lasted a day and didn't seem to bother her too much.

Thank you God for giving us such a resilient baby.

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