Friday, January 23, 2009

To my Surprise!

Today when I went to the bathroom I closed the door. Usually Addison either ignores this or she stands outside the door knocking and talking to me. Well, today, to my great surprise, I hear the door handle jiggle and then the door opens. Addison is standing there looking very proud and she says "Hi Mama." Then she closes the door and continues to open and close the door as I finish using the bathroom.


Tonight Daniel and I are going to Target to look into what is available to stop her from opening doors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It snowed! It is so beautiful. It snowed all morning and I really enjoyed watching it. It makes me remember back to being in school and how excited we would get when it snowed and school would get canceled. This snow has been even more exciting, because this is Addison's first experience with snow. We got her dressed in many layers and took her out into the snow. She didn't like walking around in it too much, but she loved riding the sled. Click here to see pictures!

Monday, January 19, 2009

And I thought it couldn't get worse.

My sickness started with a really bad cough and just mild sinus problems. That lasted about two weeks. Then my cough started to go away, but my nose got really stuffy and runny. I was actually grateful though, because a stuffy nose was better than coughing all the time. Now I have a horrible stuffy nose and a horrible cough. I am going on three weeks of being sick. Thanks to my wonderful husband I spent most of yesterday in bed. Today I am trying to take it easy. As easy as you can take it when you have a one year old running around.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

From One Sickness to Another

Okay, so I thought I was getting better. I really did. It turns out I am just going from one form of sickness to another. Last week when I was sick I was constantly coughing. My coughing is almost gone (though not completely), but now my nose is very stuffy and runny. So instead of coughing all day, now I am blowing my nose all day. I must say though, that I much prefer blowing my nose all day as compared to coughing. Coughing really hurts your chest, stomach muscles, throat and makes you tired. You can't talk when you are constantly coughing. While blowing your nose, just makes your nose red and sore.

I am ready to be completely well!

On a brighter note, Addison has been home now for two days and is doing great. I was worried that she would want constant attention, considering that is what she got when she was at my mom's. But to my surprise, when I have needed her to play by herself, she has done it without any problems. And she still shows no signs of getting sick, Praise God!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Feeling Better & Drinking Water

Finally I am starting to feel better. I actually got somethings on my To Do List done yesterday and today. I am still taking my medicine, but I am not sleeping all day long anymore and I am not coughing as much. I even went out today to run some errands. This is the first day I have been out of the house in a week (if you don't count going to the doctor).

One positive thing that has come out of me being sick is I am drinking lots of water now. I know you are suppose to drink around 8 cups of fluids a day (water is the best option, but doesn't have to be the only option). Especially when you are pregnant, the doctors always tell you it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Well while I was sick I was drinking about 120 oz or about 15 cups of water in a 24 hour period. No, I am not kidding. If I was awake, drinking water was the only thing that stopped me from coughing, so I was constantly drinking water. My water bottle is 24 oz and I was drinking at least 5 of them in a 24 hour period. At night alone I was drinking around 2 of my water bottles which equals 48 oz.

Anyway, I am now only drinking 3 water bottles a day which equals about 9 cups of water. But prior to getting sick, I didn't even drink a full water bottle in a day, so this is a mass improvement over what I was doing. Hopefully I will be able to keep it up.

And for those of you who are wondering, after a week of drinking that much water, your body gets used to it and you do not go to the bathroom all the time like you would think.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

I am still sick. Not only am I still sick, but I have felt worse today then I have this whole sickness. I have been sick since last Wednesday (Dec. 31). The doctor I went to on Friday said that I had a virus (which of course they can't do anything for) and that with rest and lots of fluids I would be feeling better by Monday. Today is Monday and I feel horrible. I called the doctor today and they said because I am pregnant they would prefer that I see my OB because they did not feel comfortable prescribing meds for me. They said my OB would know better what I can take. I called my OB and THANK GOD, he was able to prescribe a cough syrup and antibiotic and I also have an appointment with him tomorrow for a check up. I am so tired of being sick. I haven't had a good night of sleep in days. And my wonderful husband has been taking care of me and Addison and trying to work.

Even in my sickness I do have two praises. I am first thankful to God that as of yet Addison has not gotten sick. I have been very careful around her and so far she has shown no signs of getting sick. I am also thankful to God for my wonderful mother, who on very short notice (only a few hours) was driving to meet Daniel in Winston Salem to pick up Addison. Daniel has to go back to work and I CAN NOT take care of a one year old in my current state. So it is a huge blessing that my mother would be willing to take care of Addison for a few days.

Hopefully the next time I blog, I will no longer be sick!

Friday, January 2, 2009


These days I can never seem to get ahead. My To Do List just keeps getting bigger and bigger and many of the items on the list have so called "due dates." For example, we still don't have a room cleaned out for the baby. I have 4 months (give or take a week) to clean out the office, make room in the bonus room, move everything out of the office into the bonus room and set up Addison's room, so that the baby can sleep in the nursery. Setting up the room involves putting together an old crib that has no instructions and is probably missing parts. We are very grateful that our friends gave us this crib, so we don't have buy another one, but I am not looking forward to trying to put it together. Now, 4 months may sound like plenty of time, but I have been working a little each week for the past two months and have not made much progress. We just have TOO MUCH STUFF and not enough room.

Since I spend most of my day chasing after a 1 year old and just getting the day to day things done around our house, that really doesn't leave me much time on a normal day to work on my To Do List. And when I am presented with a day that Daniel does not have to work and we don't have anything planned, I always get SICK! Like yesterday. We had nothing planned, Daniel was home, I could have gotten a lot of stuff done, but I was SICK. I went to the doctor today and even asked the doctor; "does resting while you are sick really make you get better faster or is that just what you are suppose to say." The doctor looked at me funny for a minute and said; "no, resting really does make you get better faster." Then she sent me home with no miracle drug, but a prescription to rest and drink lots of fluids.

Another item on my list, that is really concerning me, is not even something that I can do. One of the posts on our front porch is rotting and needs to be replaced before it gives out (yet another unknown "due date"). I have no idea even where to start and Daniel is very busy, so he hasn't had time to get to it either. We have know that we need to replace it for over 6 months now and still we have not gotten around to doing it. I know that in 4 months, if it is not done by then, it is not going to get done for a LONG time. I just don't know how much time we have left before it rots to the point of collapsing.

I also need to go through Addison's old clothes to see what a boy can wear. We spent lots of time organizing Addison's clothes into boxes by age and labeling everything, so that for the next child it would be easy to get things out as we needed them. What we didn't do, was organize it by "girly" and "gender neutral." If we had been smart, we would also have divided out what was "girly" and what was neutral. But since we didn't, I have to go through EVERYTHING, to see what we have.

So these are just a few of the items on my To Do List. And every week more items are being added, while not many are being marked off as DONE. I am probably complaining more right now than I should be, but I am SICK and all I am doing is resting (doctor's orders), so what else do I have to do but blog about the things I should be getting done, but can't.