Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Big Three Zero

In a few more months I am going to be 30. Truthfully I am not quite sure how I feel about this. I would like to be mature and say that it is just a number and I don't really care, but there is a part of me that knows that is not true. Since Daniel and I go to a church that is made up of mostly college students, I have always just felt like one of the college students. Being surrounded by young people somehow makes you feel younger. I am just not sure how I am going to feel about being 30. I know that 30 is by no means "old". But it is different from the age group I was in before. Mentally I still feel like I should be 26 or so.

But one thing is for sure, I can tell physically that I am no longer a 26 year old. Until the past couple of years, I had an incredible metabolism. I could eat anything I wanted, anytime I wanted and never gain an ounce. I usually ate every two to three hours and loved it. After Addison was born, I continued this habit, but I discovered that I started gaining weight. So I started eating just at meal times and one snack during the day (as opposed to eating every two hours) and I stopped gaining weight, but I wasn't losing the weight I had already gained. I had to actually EXERCISE to lose the weight.

Another thing I have noticed is energy. I remember in college there was a time when I worked three jobs (one of which required me to be on my feet the whole time), was taking a full load of classes, was dating Daniel and was president of Accounting Society. I remember staying up late and still getting up at a reasonable hour. I remember going strong all day, sleeping really well and then getting up and doing it all over again, day after day. I don't do nearly as many activities these days, but yet I feel much more tired. Today I don't think I could endure the same schedule that I did in college.

I guess I don't really have any choice in the matter. 30 is coming whether I want it to or not. I still have a few months to get used to the idea. Maybe I will feel differently by the time my birthday rolls around.

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