Friday, June 19, 2009

My Wonderful Husband!

I have the most wonderful husband.

The past few days have been really hard for me. The two and a half months of very little sleep has really started to effect me. I feel horrible. I am having trouble making decisions, even simple decisions. It is taking me much longer to get simple tasks done. I am extremely emotional.

As I was looking back over Addison's baby book today, I realized that at 8 to 9 weeks old, Addison was sleeping about 10 hours at night. Hunter is 10 and a half weeks old and still the longest he will sleep at night is about 5 hours. AHHHHHH!

By the time Daniel gets home in the evenings, I am extremely tired and irritable and of course he gets the brunt of my emotional state.

One of the problems is that Addison and Hunter don't seem to always take naps at the same time. So it is very difficult for me to get a nap during the day.

Daniel came home today at lunchtime and brought Addison and I lunch home. Then after lunch he told me to go take a nap. He stayed home (even though he is extremely busy at work) and took care of the kids until I had to get up and feed Hunter again. Also, while Addison was napping Daniel cleaned both our bathroom (which hadn't been cleaned in a long time) and the downstairs bathroom. It was so nice to be able to take a 2 hour nap during the day and it was wonderful to wake up and walk into a clean bathroom.

I have the most wonderful husband.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Saying prayers for Hunter to sleep through the night soon and for dual anpping children! Hang in there, Amy. You know it will get better sometime, right?