These days I can never seem to get ahead. My To Do List just keeps getting bigger and bigger and many of the items on the list have so called "due dates." For example, we still don't have a room cleaned out for the baby. I have 4 months (give or take a week) to clean out the office, make room in the bonus room, move everything out of the office into the bonus room and set up Addison's room, so that the baby can sleep in the nursery. Setting up the room involves putting together an old crib that has no instructions and is probably missing parts. We are very grateful that our friends gave us this crib, so we don't have buy another one, but I am not looking forward to trying to put it together. Now, 4 months may sound like plenty of time, but I have been working a little each week for the past two months and have not made much progress. We just have TOO MUCH STUFF and not enough room.
Since I spend most of my day chasing after a 1 year old and just getting the day to day things done around our house, that really doesn't leave me much time on a normal day to work on my To Do List. And when I am presented with a day that Daniel does not have to work and we don't have anything planned, I always get SICK! Like yesterday. We had nothing planned, Daniel was home, I could have gotten a lot of stuff done, but I was SICK. I went to the doctor today and even asked the doctor; "does resting while you are sick really make you get better faster or is that just what you are suppose to say." The doctor looked at me funny for a minute and said; "no, resting really does make you get better faster." Then she sent me home with no miracle drug, but a prescription to rest and drink lots of fluids.
Another item on my list, that is really concerning me, is not even something that I can do. One of the posts on our front porch is rotting and needs to be replaced before it gives out (yet another unknown "due date"). I have no idea even where to start and Daniel is very busy, so he hasn't had time to get to it either. We have know that we need to replace it for over 6 months now and still we have not gotten around to doing it. I know that in 4 months, if it is not done by then, it is not going to get done for a LONG time. I just don't know how much time we have left before it rots to the point of collapsing.
I also need to go through Addison's old clothes to see what a boy can wear. We spent lots of time organizing Addison's clothes into boxes by age and labeling everything, so that for the next child it would be easy to get things out as we needed them. What we didn't do, was organize it by "girly" and "gender neutral." If we had been smart, we would also have divided out what was "girly" and what was neutral. But since we didn't, I have to go through EVERYTHING, to see what we have.
So these are just a few of the items on my To Do List. And every week more items are being added, while not many are being marked off as DONE. I am probably complaining more right now than I should be, but I am SICK and all I am doing is resting (doctor's orders), so what else do I have to do but blog about the things I should be getting done, but can't.